Hi, I'm Alice 

"And then I savor the cravings

which from their eyes transpires

And from the obvious charms they perceive

The hidden beauties.

So the scent of desire is all around me,

It makes me happy! "

Musetta's Waltz, La Boheme 

Let me be your Musetta

So glad we've found each other. I'm Alice, but Musetta is a character from my favorite opera, La Boheme. As passionate woman, who uses her feminine ways to access the finer things in life, Musetta is also a lady who enjoys art, a good conversation, laughter, and passionate moments. Her waltz brings a smile to my face, and the lyrics resonate with my spirit, "the scent of desire is all around me!"  

I know how to help you feel at ease and get the most from our time together. Don't worry! I am experienced in life, as an active and fit person, who values taking care of both my mind and body. I have always placed a high value on education and learning about the world around me, as well as learning how to affectionately connect with an intimate partner, making me a perfect companion for you after a stressful day. Please take a look around my site and reach out to discuss how we can work together. 

My "A Date with Alice" page lists a variety of options. I also always appreciate a generous gift from my "Spoil Me" page. Please contact me so we can discuss If we are a good match.